Nautical Lady

smooth 3/4 portrait of a young woman in a large hat

The Woman Who Lives on a Boat

San Francisco, California 2012

Years ago, every time we visited San Francisco, the weather was cold. Often it was overcast. I was always glad to get home to warm Southern California.

Last year, when we visited we had warm, almost hot, weather. I walked on the waterfront with the other tourists, lugging my heavy camera, hoping for a photo-op. This woman attracted my eye because she was relaxing on the deck of her boat and because she was wearing a very becoming hat. The mystery, the glamor, the stamp of individualism a hat can give a person…it’s magical.

I grabbed one shot when she wasn’t looking and then asked her for another. She was agreeable and charming and sat down as you see her. Lovely. I had the notion that Humphrey Bogart was in the cabin of her boat fetching drinks and cigarettes.

Film Noir portrait of young woman wearing large sunhat with her face hidden

Waiting for HB

I used a film noir look to this shot. The shadow hides her face for more mystery. Her aspect is almost a graphic and I think I will pursue that idea and try to make a vintage poster using this shot. Have I ever told you that I love Photoshop?

I got the smooth look of the color portrait by blurring…trial and error, of course. Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.  And adjust until you are satisfied. Work on saturation and contrast or curves. If you have a lot of negative space, you could try another layer using a texture. There is no end to the possibilities.

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