Midnight Mass

The Iconostasis of The Cathedral of the Assumption: Moscow

The Icon filled Church of the Assumption in the Kremlin

How interesting would travel be if there were no religions?

“Not very,” I say.

I think of Midnight Mass when I look at this photo. My most memorable Midnight Mass was the Christmas before my youngest brother shipped out to Viet Nam. I prayed hard that night and for many nights afterward. He returned home safely. Thank God.

Let’s not forget all the families who have lost loved ones in Afghanistan and Iraq. Or those who have returned so injured that their lives will never be what they once envisioned. I saw a story about a women, maybe in her late 50’s who had sent her son off to fight in one of those lands and he returned practically incapacitated. There she was at his bedside. She had her son back, but both of their lives were shattered.

If you want to help some of our injured military, you can’t do better than to donate to: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

Merry Christmas to you all.


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