Market Shot: Detail

longyi and long beans, shot in Burma country market

The Color Says it All

I’m back from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Still a bit punchy from jet lag. I was eager to show you the Stans, but my computer is on its last legs and I can’t process my new photos until I get a new one. So, here is a photo of Burma. I saturated the colors to make those beans gleam. I love the contrast with the fuchsia of the woman’s longyi. 

You can see from this shot that it is not always necessary to include someone’s face or a wide swath of background to have a photo that tells a story.

Speaking of fuchsia, that’s an ink that is constantly clogging on my printer. Maybe it clogs on yours, too. My printer wasn’t working when I left on my trip and when I got back, two days ago, I looked on the net to see what others had done when they had this problem.

There are many helpful hints on YouTube. Check them out when you have trouble with your printer clogging. I’d already done several different ‘fixes’ before I left, but with no success. Yesterday, I simply removed the fuchsia ink cartridge and cleaned the opening (with an alcohol saturated applicator stick) where the ink leaves the cartridge and where it enters the printer. Voila! My printer is working again. Now, I must remember to print every single day!

 I’ll try to blog everyday until I have to take this printer to the shop to have my files transferred.

P.S. I don’t know why those paragraphs are in Italics, but they won’t change back.

This entry was posted in Burma, Myanmar, photo tips, photography, Rosemary's Blog, Travel. Bookmark the permalink.

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