Istanbul, Turkey 2012
You’d think it would be easy to shoot the Blue Mosque, but I didn’t find it easy. The Blue Mosque has six minarets. That’s one of the characteristics that makes it unique. Most mosques have four or maybe just one if you are out in the countryside. To get all six in your shot requires being up high. I recommend staying at the Arcadia Hotel. From the rooftop terrace the shot is a piece of cake.
I shot this from the street nearby the hotel. I only have two minarets here. I’m ok with it as I had spent hours in my room on my earlier trip getting the perfect shot with all six minarets plus a reflection of the St. Sophia. Here, I have the flying buttresses. Remember high school and your world history teacher talking about flying buttresses? I had no clue as to what she was talking about but I knew they were attached to a building in some way and they kept the thing from falling down.
I do like the little fountain in front…the turquoise domed structure. Rich men would build these throughout Istanbul so the masses could get a drink of water. It’s a custom that carries on in many Muslim countries. It might just be a cup set by a spigot but if you are thirsty, you are grateful for it.