A Gurunsi woman prepares to re-roof her home. She will use the bamboo to support the adobe that she will pile on as the topmost layer. The bamboo will be laid cross wise onto poles cut from young trees. Perhaps she uses palm branches over the bamboo to hold the mud. In Morocco, nowadays, they use plastic. I don’t know if this woman had access to plastic as the village is in the bush.
I love the geometric designs on her house and the neighbor’s house. A person would never tire of that unique design.
I decided to look at some of my West African slides today because I read in the paper that the country of Mali has been taken over by a military coup. It had had a democracy for 20 years and now is, to quote the newspaper, “becoming a haven for Al-Queda linked terrorists”. How sad for the Malians. I’ll show some photos of them as they were when I visited Mali this coming week.