Ethiopian Finery

Omo valley boy with headdress, necklace and body paint stands in front of a hut


Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2013

I’ve received some very important corrections from my Ethiopian friend, Osman Ahmed of Sora Tours…

Osman informs me that my blog of today was totally incorrect from the tribe’s name to the sex of the child in the photo. Yikes!

Here is what Osman wrote:

  • ·        The image below is that of a Kara tribe girl at Korcho village and surely not of a Hamer girl, looking into the lower lip piercing.
  • ·        Adding up to the above, Hamer tribe/village is not located on the banks of the Omo River and as mentioned above, the image below is that of a Kara tribe at Korcho village.
  • ·        And that is a girl, not a boy with all the neck beads. No Kara boy would get that kind of hair-top colorful decoration, neck beads or lip piercing. If you have noted, the boys would have white-chalk painting patterns on their chests and below the waist.

Those are the facts. I blew it completely.  I send my thanks to Osman and promise to try to get things straight in the future.

A little photo talk…I have several shots of this girl. This one is the only shot where her eyes are looking into the camera. I like it best. But often, I like a portrait with the subject looking to the side. It’s subjective and what ever you like is the best one. She’s standing away from the hut and it is out of focus…if you forget that little tip, you can FIP…fix it in Photoshop. I know I do.

If you want to visit the tribes as I did, you can’t do better than to contact Osman at Osman is reliable and knowledgeable.



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