
A fluffy dog waits for it's owner

Where’s Mama?

California, U.S.A. 2015

I wanted the dog to turn his head toward me. He did look in my direction for a brief second, but then ignored me to stare, statue-like,  toward the barn. I got the feeling that somehow I didn’t measure up. It’s an odd feeling to have a dog snub you.

I saw him again the next day. He was in the barn with his mistress. His little face stared up at me and at all the activity attendant with riders and horses getting ready to compete. I knew then that the day before when he seemed so stand-offish, he had merely been anxious because he couldn’t see the most important person in his life: his mistress.

His owner told me that he was a “rescue dog”…she had saved him from euthanasia by adopting him. I think that little dog knew she had saved his life and I believe he would save hers if given the chance.

I  took several shots of the dog…trying to get one with him facing me, but no luck. The boots and jeans plus dog’s face was what I was aiming for. It took me a couple of shots to realize that the plastic chairs didn’t make a pleasing background. Sad to say, that shot is out of focus because the dog chose that moment to glance over at me. I overcame the plastic chairs by lightening them almost to oblivion. Then adding a pale gold vignette.

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