Chinese Bird Fanciers

Chinese men squat in front of a row of caged birds to observe and compare attributes


China 2005

These men are sitting in front of what is left of the city wall. The deep red/brown color is unmistakable. Why have the Chinese authorities torn down so many city walls? They are beautiful.  I don’t recall the name of this city. I didn’t take notes in those days. Who knew I would have a blog and want to tell you all the details?

Chinese men, and maybe women, love birds. It is a common sight to see an old man carrying his caged bird to the park. It’s an outing for them both. Hanging birdcages crowd windows of apartment houses giving the captive birds an airing in the dense, gray, polluted atmosphere.

There is a section in the market in large cities where birds are sold and another area for bird cages and bird feed. Men sit for hours staring at the bird that could become their pet. I suppose they are observing how lively it is and how often it chirps.

I think the men in the photo above have brought their pet birds to the park for an airing. I imagine each feels his bird is the best. The men squat in front of the birds and smoke and watch and chat and smoke some more.

Close up photo of silk covered bird cage in bird fancier park near the old city walls of a small city in western China




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