Celebration at Ayazkala

Musicians and Dancer perform at ancient site of Ayaz Kala in the Kizl Kum desert of Uzbekistan

Revelry in the Kizl Kum

Ayazkala, Uzbekistan 2012

Icy winds blew across the empty Kizlkum desert.  Shadows of blues and purples contrasted with the sun’s golden light falling on the 4th century BC fort.

The dancer seemed to be saying farewell to the setting sun with sinuous arm movements and rapid, hopping steps. I thought of the Zoroastrians who in ancient times might have had a similar dance to worship fire.

For another story about Ayazkala click: http://www.rosemarysheel.com/archives/serenade-at-ayazkala

To live your own adventure in a yurt on a desolate desert hilltop contact: Penelope at www.uzbekjourneys.com




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