Central Coast of California 2014
Don’t you wish you could gallop your horse through these hills? Galloping in open space is much safer than in wooded lands where you might suddenly come upon a person or an animal or any object that could startle your horse. You’d be surprised at how quickly a horse can change direction…sometimes he swerves and you don’t. That’s when you hope he stops and waits for you. Otherwise you walk home and you worry the whole time that he has stepped on the reins or injured himself. You are never angry that he has bolted. It was your fault for daydreaming in the saddle. Relief floods through you when you see him standing on all four legs, waiting at the stable door, looking at you as if to say, “What kept you?”
I stopped quickly as I was driving home the other evening, hoping to catch the beautiful sunset, but the sun was quicker than I was and by the time I got to the beach, it was below the horizon.