U Bein bridge spans Lake Taungthaman and is near the city of Mandalay. We drove out one evening and got into boats to shoot this famous site.
Luckily, I had a long lens with a stabilizer. The bridge is pretty tall so I was glad to get silhouettes that were distinct. One thing to remember with stabilizers is that you must change their mode when you use a tripod or are in a moving vehicle. Sometimes I forgot and got blurry pics. Oh, no!
We had overcast skies but I made my own sunset using NIK Color Efex Pro.
There were lots of tourists crossing the bridge as well as the locals including nuns, monks and fishermen. I took hundreds of shots…thank goodness for digital…and I’ll show you some more another day. When you have hundreds of photos of the same thing, it is hard to choose your best one.