Bangkok’s Grand Palace

Statues and pagodas of Bangkok's Grand Palace

The Grand Palace in Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand 2007

The Grand Palace, a cacophony of buildings, statues, pavilions and pagodas, was begun in the 18th century. Each successive Siamese King added his mark by building new palaces and pavilions until 1925 when the King of Thailand moved his palace to  Dusit Palace.

The  Grand Palace boggles the eye: intricately tiled temples tower over statues of Buddha, roof-tops glisten with golden spires or fantastic curlicues,  bonsai shaped trees line the pathways between colonnaded halls, effigies of ogres stare fiercely guarding golden pyramids.

Trying to make sense of it all is a test of photographic skills. As I looked at my shots yesterday, I could see that I did have a plan although I definitely remember feeling somewhat overwhelmed. I shot wide, trying to encompass a sense of the whole, then I shot the middle and then went for detail. The more I worked the better the composition.  Did they all work? Far from it. But I’ve got a few and that’s all I need.

Although this shot might look like a composite, it isn’t. It’s just a sample of the plethora of art and architecture that awaits you at the Grand Palace.



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