Adding Filters to Photos

an old man arranges silk strands on a frame


Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan 2012

Adding your own filters (shots of texture and color) to a boring image can turn it into something that demands a longer look.

It takes effort to make the filters and not every filter will work its magic on every photo. You can purchase filters at or if you have Exposure X, you can add a filter while you are in the program. Or you can make your own as I did and then add to it in Exposure X.

My best suggestion is to “weave” your plug-ins or filters. What this means is to add a filter, then go to your plug-ins or Photoshop Filter Gallery, then try reducing saturation, adding saturation, increasing or decreasing clarity, use blend modes, change the opacity…all those little tricks that can change the look of a photo and then go back to your plug-in or add a new filter and start all over.

Here is the original photo for the above image.  The filter adds mystery, always a good component of a photo.

silk worker Fergana Valley

Original Shot


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